About the Journal

Information for Authors


CT&F- Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro (ISSN 0122-5383; e-ISSN 2382-4581) is an Open Access (under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License) peer-reviewed international journal, published biannually by Ecopetrol S.A through the Center for Research, Development, and Innovation – ICP.

Our journal is recognized by Minciencias and is classified in the National Index PUBLINDEX in (category  C –in Colombia) and in Q3 in SJR Index. It´'s also indexed in prestigious index and databases such as Scopus, Scimago Journal & Country Rank, Web of Science, InCites Journal Citation Reports, SciELO- Scientific Electronic Library Online, Latindex, CAS Source Index (CASSI), DOAJ, among others.



CT&F, Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro [Science, Technology, and Future]. It started out as an idea to disseminate the results of the activity of the Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo [Colombian Petroleum Institute]: Ecopetrol's research and development. In 1995 first issue born as a means to disseminate the results of ICP during its first ten years of activity.

In 2002 CT&F was included in France’s Pascal Database, then in 2005, the journal was indexed by the Network of Latin American and the Caribbean, Spanish, and Portuguese Scientific Journals – Redalyc. During this year a strategy of involvement with the industry was deployed by including articles presented at academic events with high technical and scientific levels. That ́s how in 2008 CT&F reach the category “A” conferred by the National Index and Validating System of Specialized ST+I Journal of Colciencias due to its scientific and editorial quality, innovation, visibility, and national and international recognition.

In 2009 CT&F in indexed in the prestigious Thomson Reuters Science Citation Index Expanded, Afterwards in 2010, its frequency was upgraded to biannual for the 25th anniversary of ICP, a special volume is presented in hardcover with the logo being changed and a new presentation, the technical notes were presented only in English and renewal its editorial board members with a large number of professionals with Ph.D. level.

Now, 25 years later, it is presented as a strong, well-known publication in scenarios of technical-scientific discussion and in business environments. CT&F has made changes in image and editorial policies. With the aim of offering a modern-looking, more readable presentation, taking into account current trends in the delivery of scientific magazines, from the present issue of CT&F, our readers will find new features, like the inclusion of DOI identifier for papers, a different set of options for referencing, a new paper layout, polychromatic appearance, and pictures related to our facilities and equipment. But the most important change is the inclusion of new policies from the CT&F Editorial Board, which want to promote the publication of topics that can enhance the technical knowledge around focused research and technology themes, relevant to the energy industry.


Editorial Policy

The manuscripts submitted must be original and innovative and neither previously published nor simultaneously published in other journals. The content of published articles includes:

SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH ARTICLES: Documents that present in detail the original results of research projects. A manuscript’s structure generally includes four important parts: introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions.

REVIEW ARTICLES: Documents that are the result of research that integrates, systemizes, analyzes, and express a review on the results of published or unpublished scientific and technological research, by giving an account of the advances and development trends. These are characterized by presenting a careful bibliographical revision of at least 50 references.

Note: Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been unpublished works that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The opinion expressed in them is the sole responsibility of the authors. The reception of a manuscript does not imply its publication; it shall be subject to various revisions and evaluations prior to publication.


Focus and Scope

The objective of CT&F is to publish the achievements of scientific research and technological developments of Ecopetrol S.A. and the research of other institutions in the field of oil, gas, and alternative energy sources.

CT&F welcomes original, novel, and high-impact contributions from all the fields in the oil and gas industry like Acquisition and Exploration technologies, Basins characterization and modeling, Petroleum geology, Reservoir modeling, Enhanced Oil Recovery Technologies, Unconventional resources, Petroleum refining, Petrochemistry, Upgrading technologies, Technologies for fuels quality, Process modeling, and optimization, Supply chain optimization, Biofuels, Renewable energies.


CT&F is a publication edited by ECOPETROL S.A - ICP – Colombia. CT&F allows the partial and total reproduction of its content for educational or research purposes by referencing the source. Copyrights of the publication are protected as per regulations in effect in Creative Commons Protocols - The authors of the articles assign the author's patrimonial rights to CT&F Magazine and authorize the edition or any form of reproduction, adaptation, translation, distribution, publication and commercialization of the same either in print, electronic media, on the Internet or other forms and media known or to be known.


The submissions to be revised by commercial iThenticate anti-plagiarism tool.

Publication Fees and APC

The Ecopetrol S.A covers all the expenses associated with the editorial process of the CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología & Futuro Journal. Therefore, authors are not charged any fees for submission and/or publication of the proposed articles, also and all articles published in our journals are open access and freely available online immediately upon publication.

Creative Commons License, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)

This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.


Editorial Process Description

Submission to this journal proceeds totally online, manuscripts in technical English must be submitted through 'Make a Submission' to the Editorial Board coupled with the filled form CTI-F-092 (Editorial Board Letter) for each manuscript, at least six months in advance of the following date of publication of the journal, however, CT&F receives manuscripts for its both annually editions throughout the year.

Once a manuscript is received, it is assigned a “reviser- advisor” who is a member of the Editorial Board and will follow the entire editorial process of the manuscript. Initially, the “reviser- advisor” evaluates the whole manuscript on the basis of the quality of grammar or English language, originality, scientific rigor, and concordance with the aims and scope of the journal.

Manuscripts that overcome this stage, then are sent to the external peer reviewers, CT&F has adopted the use of "double-blind” review, according to this, the author must submit (name, affiliation, and contact address) of at least 4 potential reviewers that meet with Publindex’s requirements (National Indexation Process), which demands that the reviewers must have MSc or Ph.D. degree, without any link or relationship to the institute to which you are affiliated, and at least have published one article in the last two years about the topic in an indexed journal. The editor retains the sole right to decide whether or not the suggested reviewers are used.

Referees advise the editor, who is responsible for the final decision to accept or reject the article. Manuscripts passing to publication are checked on technical aspects such as compliance to the Author Guidelines before to be published, Below you will find a simplified diagram flow of our editorial process.


Archiving Policy

CT&F Journal, uses the "Portico" digital archiving system, this service allows long-term conservation with a preservation approach based on factors (Usability, Authenticity, Discoverability, Accessibility).

Abstracting and Indexing

The Journal CT&F is indexed in:

Aquatic Science & Fisheries

Abstracts (ASFA)

Aerospace Database


Civil Engineering Abstracts


Pollution Abstracts


COMPENDEX                 GEOBASE


INIS Database (International Nuclear Information System) 

PORTICO (Preservation service)


Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford