Genetic algorithms for the optimization of pipeline systems for liquid transportation (1)

  • Haiver Galeano P y P Construcciones S.A. – Departamento de InformaciónTecnológica, Bogotá, Colombia
  • Paulo César Narváez Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Bogotá, Colombia
Keywords: optimization, genetic algorithms, fluid distribution networks, pipe networks


This is the first of two articles in which a Genetic Algorithm (GA) is presented to obtain an optimal design of a pipeline system for liquid transportation, from an economical and operational point of view. This GA is based on criteria such as compliance with the laws of matter and energy conservation; flow requirements in consumption points where pressure is known; restrictions to the pressure value in system points where pressure is unknown, and to the velocity, which must be lower than the erosion limit velocity. This article combines traditional techniques for the design of GA in this type of problems with some ideas that had never been applied before in this field. The proposed GA allows sizing of the liquid distribution systems, including pipelines, consumption and supply nodes, tanks, pumping equipment, nozzles, control valves, and accessories. This article includes different formulations found in literature on network design through optimization techniques and carries out the mathematical formulation of the optimization issue. In the second article the characteristics of the designed Genetic Algorithm (GA) are specified and further applied to the issues presented by Alperovits and Shamir (1977), and Fujiwara and Khang (1990), addressing the water distribution network at Hanoi, in Vietnam . Finally, the GA is applied to a fire protection network, allowing for the testing of some of the model’s characteristics which are not reported in the pertinent literature, such as the possibility to include pumping equipment, aspersion nozzles, and accessories.


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How to Cite
Galeano, H., & César Narváez, P. . (2003). Genetic algorithms for the optimization of pipeline systems for liquid transportation (1). CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología Y Futuro, 2(4), 55–64.


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