Vol. 9 No. 1 (2019)

					View Vol. 9 No. 1 (2019)

On this issue we are publishing four with themes of Reverse Time Migration, modeling of seismic waves into an elastic media, reservoir characterization based on geochemical and well logs data and finally an article of diagenesis of tight sandstone.  Special focus in the present issue on environmental aspects is done. So, four papers related with soil remediation, with photocatalytic degradation of hydrocarbons, with oils spills in rivers and a remarkable study about on-road vehicle emission factors in Colombia conforms a block that aim to contribute to get a better understanding about the environmental burdens in the industry.

Respecting to Oil Production segment, this issue includes a methodology for calculating performance indexes for Enhanced Oil recovery by air injection, a combined artificial intelligence modeling for forecasting and also an assessment of surfactant-polymer formulation for EOR. About integrity and materials topics, an evaluation of high density polyethylene as an alternative for corrosion control in pipes is also included.

Published: 2019-05-10

Scientific and Technological Research Articles