Adhesion forces in asphalt mixtures at nanoscale

  • Yuly- Fernanda López- Contreras
  • Arlex Chaves-Guerrero
  • Mustaka Akbulut
  • Zhengdong Cheng
  • Luis- Javier Hoyos- Marín
Palabras clave: Work of adhesion, Asphalt mixture, AFM, Bitumen, Modified tips, Calcium carbonate, Silicon dioxide, Aggregates


The adhesion forces between bitumen and minerals were measured, using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The AFM enables the study of the interactions between two molecules in a same surface or at interfaces and their behavior. In this case, bitumen samples with different properties were placed in contact with AFM modified tips. The tips were fabricated with minerals found in aggregates used in asphalt mixtures, like silicon dioxide (SiO2) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3). The work of adhesion was obtained measuring adhesion forces for each  bitumen-mineral pair. The direct measurement of forces between asphalt and aggregates at interface level through nanoscopic techniques provides a better insight of the system and its characteristics. This will help to improve the selection of bitumen-aggregate combinations used in asphalt mixtures, obtaining systems with higher bond strength, therefore more resistant to failures.

Cómo citar
López- Contreras, Y.-. F., Chaves-Guerrero, A., Akbulut, M., Cheng, Z., & Hoyos- Marín, L.-. J. (2017). Adhesion forces in asphalt mixtures at nanoscale. CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología Y Futuro, 7(1), 59–72.


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