Factors determining the Phytoplankton variability in the swamps of the Momposina depression (Colombia)

  • Yasmín Plata-Díaz TIP-PETROLABIN
  • Astrid-Lorely Pimienta-Rueda Ecopetrol – Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo, Piedecuesta, Colombia
Palabras clave: Phytoplankton, Swamps, Momposina depression, Flood pulse, Domestic pollution, Oil activity


Description  of  the main  environmental  factors  that structure phytoplankton  dynamic  in 27  swamps of the Momposina  Depression  located  in the area  of  influence  of  the Cicuco-Boquete  oil field.  Accor- ding to the results, the parameters  that determined the variations in the physics and  chemistry of the water are related to system hydrology, followed by the variables associated with the industrial operation, particularly in relation to chloride content and natural mineralization, which is due to conductivity and alkalinity.

The euglenoids were the most common throughout the study, particularly during low water periods; cyanobacteria density increased in high waters and pennate diatoms in rising water. The lowest average diversity and richness were reported in the systems with the highest domestic and industrial impact as well as in the swamp referenced herein.

Variations in phytoplankton composition were not related to the hydrological periods studied. pH, NO3, conducti- vity and the organic load (BOD5), as well as variables indirectly related to the industrial operation (chlorides and COD) were determining variables. Total hydrocarbons were not a significant variable in the community structure.

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Cómo citar
Plata-Díaz, Y., & Pimienta-Rueda, A.-L. . (2011). Factors determining the Phytoplankton variability in the swamps of the Momposina depression (Colombia). CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología Y Futuro, 4(4), 105–122. https://doi.org/10.29047/01225383.232


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