Effect of biogas enriched with hydrogen on the operation and performance ofa diesel-biogas dual engine

  • Juan Pablo Gómez Montoya Grupo de Ciencia y Tecnología del Gas y Uso Racional de la Energía (GASURE), Universidad de Antioquia.
  • Karen Paola Cacua Madero Universidad de Antioquia.
  • Layrisser Iral Galeano Grupo de Ciencia y Tecnología del Gas y Uso Racional de la Energía (GASURE), Universidad de Antioquia.
  • Andrés Adolfo Amell Arrieta Grupo de Ciencia y Tecnología del Gas y Uso Racional de la Energía (GASURE), Universidad de Antioquia.
Palabras clave: Diesel dual engines, Biogas, Enrichment with hydrogen, Contaminant emissions, Thermal efficiency


The effect of hydrogen enrichment was tested for a diesel-biogas dual fuel engine. The operation and performance characteristics, such as thermal efficiency, pollutant emissions and combustion parameters were determined. Experiments have been carried with a stationary compression ignition (CI) engine coupled with a generator in dual mode using a typical biogas composition of 60% vol. CH4 and 40% vol. CO2. For every load engine evaluated, the hydrogen concentration was varied from 5 to 20% H2 v/v. The results showed increases in peak pressure chamber up to 10.7 bar, and diesel substitution levels up to 80% under conditions of steady combustion without knocking. Also, thermal efficiency increases up to 16% and carbon monoxide emissions decreases up to 13% at full load, and 20% of hydrogen in engines operating in diesel-biogas dual mode.

Referencias bibliográficas

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Cómo citar
Gómez Montoya, J. P., Cacua Madero, K. P., Iral Galeano, L., & Amell Arrieta, A. A. (2013). Effect of biogas enriched with hydrogen on the operation and performance ofa diesel-biogas dual engine. CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología Y Futuro, 5(2), 61–72. https://doi.org/10.29047/01225383.57


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