Relationships between stratigraphy, deformation and thermal history in sedimentary basins. Impact of geodynamic concepts in petroleum exploration

  • Luis Fernando Sarmiento Ecopetrol S.A. – Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo, A.A. 4185 Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia
Keywords: Geodynamics, petroleum systems, stratigraphy, lithosphere deformation, thermal history


The natural processes that generate petroleum accumulations in a sedimentary basin require several ingredients: (1) the petroleum system elements: source, reservoir, seal and overburden rocks, which are the result of sedimentation processes in a subsiding basin; (2) petroleum traps, which in many cases are the result of deformation and (3) heat to convert suitable organic matter into petroleum. Although these different phenomena are considered independent at the scale of an oil field, at the lithosphere scale (1) thermal phenomena, (2) vertical movements of the earth surface responsible for sedimentation and erosion; and (3) tectonic deformation are not independent phenomena, they are intimately related by physical quantitative laws. These mutual inter-relationships are useful in petroleum exploration to predict one factor having knowledge of the others. Applications of these concepts can contribute to understand the tectonic history of complex areas, such as the Colombian sedimentary basins, and reduce exploration risk.


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How to Cite
Sarmiento, L. F. (2002). Relationships between stratigraphy, deformation and thermal history in sedimentary basins. Impact of geodynamic concepts in petroleum exploration. CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología Y Futuro, 2(3), 7–21.


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